The Solar Advantage

Solar energy offers numerous benefits for Residential Home Owners, Commerical Building Owners, as well as to the environment. Among the many reasons solar energy is a bright idea:

It’s clean and green
– Solar energy systems allow you to capture free sunlight and convert it into usable power for your building.
– Solar energy can be used to heat and cool your home and building, but has almost no impact on the global climate.
– While nonrenewable energy sources like oil, gas and coal are becoming increasingly scarce, the sun’s energy is limitless.
– Each Solar Energy System reduces a building’s carbon footprint and CO2 emissions by using the clean, renewable energy of the sun.

Solar energy helps meet green building standards
– ASHRAE Green Standard 189.1 requirements to be solar-ready
– LEED® EAC2 On-Site Renewable Energy Credit
– California’s 2010 Green Building Standards Code (CALGreen)